
Welcome! I am a female surgeon, enduring the final year of my surgical subspecialty training. I am training at a world renowned program (aka the "elite" of my field) and for these reasons I will keep my brutally honest posts as anonymous as I can. My field is a small one, with limited number of women, and so until I finish this year (or become board certified) I will have to keep myself anonymous.

I am also 39 weeks pregnant and married to a surgery resident. We have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful, fun rescue dog and we can't wait to meet our son (any day now).

As someone who is simply trying to survive in a world dominated by hardcore super Type A men and women, I felt the need to share my experiences with others in hopes of being able to educate, encourage, empower, and perhaps someday change the culture of women in surgery. This blog has been on my mind since I was a resident and today, I felt ready to start it. My hope is to one day create my own website linked to social media where posts are easily accessible to those interested.

Thank you for taking the time to visit. My posts are based on real events. They will be brutally honest. I will share the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is not meant discourage anyone, but rather to manage expectations and share the real life experiences I have had as a female surgeon (who also happens to be pregnant) in an exponentially competitive surgical environment. Lastly, I welcome others to share their own experiences and would love to hear from you! Please be patient, I am new to this and am still figuring out the whole blog deal....
