My job does not define me

Many of those around me define themselves by their professional attributes. There is no how are you, how is everything going, how are you feeling. Everything is about how to advance their own careers, often diving deeper into a pit of ego and the desire to rise above the next. It is amazing how we have lost tune of our sense of humanity, our sense of living, our sense of purpose. A coworker is so obsessed with his career, and to his defense, he has so much potential to be someone amazing in our field, but he has lost his ability to talk about anything else but this, and even worse, the ability to listen to others. Literally - don't dare try talking about your own matters, because he no longer (perhaps never had) has the ability to listen to anything about anything other than his career.

Our attendings indulge in "so where are you working? have you found a job? whats the plan? how much maternity leave? are you making this time up?". It is so toxic. Everything is about job, job, job. The more I hear it, the less job that I want.

This is how burnout happens. You define yourself by your career, superficiality and others perception of how successful you are based on where you work, how many papers you have published, and who you know. These people cannot possibly be truly happy. In fact, they look miserable. Many having fertility issues now that they have realized they may want children, decades after....People in their own department who have lost their lives, no one remembers them, no one cares. They have left this world with one thing - the memory of those who loved them, not their jobs or their titles.

This can't be truly living...
